The SAMD51 has two 12-bit ADCs onboard. They each have a set of double-buffered registers used to control the ADCs' configurations. A lot of the requirements for usage are already defined by Adafruit's wiring.c
, though it's not too clear which ones.
- Two ADCs on board
- 8, 10, 12 bit resolution
- Up to 1 million samples per second
- Single-ended and Differential results
- Internal inputs
- Internal temp sensor
- Scaled IO supply
- Scalled VBAT supply
- DAC0
- Single, continuous, or sequenced conversion options
- Window monitor with selectable channel
- Event-triggered conversion for accurate timing
- Result DMA transfer available
- Gain and Offset compensation
- Averaging and Oversampling+Decimation up to 16 bit resolution
- Configurable sampling time (in clock cycles)
- Client/Host configuration available
- ADC1 can "copy" ADC0's configuration
General Notes
Conversion results are ready when INTFLAG.RESRDY is 1
In free running mode, the sampling rate R
- nsampling is the total sampling duration in CLK_ADC cycles
- noffcomp is the offset compensation in CLK_ADC cycles
- ndata is the resolution of the ADC (8, 10, 12)
- n
- fCLK_ADC =
The goal is to spread out the sampling such that X samples are evenly distributed within the time it takes to write X samples to the SD card.
Essentially, we're looking for spaced out datapoints across 1000us rather than a burst of data every 1000us.
Currently, I'm looking at using the following configurations:
Prescaler Selection
For adjusting sampling rate. Low priority. Adjusted via CTRLA register.
Single-Ended Mode Over Differential mode
Since we will always have positive values, we will use single ended mode. INPUTCTRL.DIFFMODE must be set to 1
Sampling Time
How many ADC clock cycles (CLK_ADC) are used per conversion. When SAMPCTRL.SAMPLEN is set to 0
, then only one clock cycle is used. Can be used to adjust sampling rate/accuracy(?).
Averaging Mode
For adjusting sampling rate and accuracy. It accumulates 2n samples and then bit-shifts down to 12 bits for the averaging property. AVGCTRL should be configured according to the following table:
DMA Sequencing
The ADC can sequence multiple conversions. When using sequencing, the ADC's configuration registers can be updated by the DMA Controller.
In any of the accumulation/averaging modes, the next sequenced conversion starts when the averaged result is ready.
Free running mode cannot be used with DMA Sequencing.
If a conversion is triggered by event (EVCTRL.STARTEI is 1
) then automatic start conversion is disabled.
Enabled by setting any field in DSEQCTRL to 1
. When turned on, DSEQSTAT.BUSY is set to 1
. By enabling a register via DSEQCTRL, the corresponding ADC register is updated automatically.
By default, a new conversion will start when a trigger is received. However, writing a 1
to DSEQCTRL.AUTOSTART will automatically start a new conversion when a DMA sequence completes.
The DMAC must be configured with the following:
Host-Client/Master-Slave Operation
can be set as a host to ADC1
such that ADC1
uses the same configuration as ADC0
. This is done by by writing a 1
to ADC1.CTRLA.SLAVEEN. When enabled, GCLK_ADC0
clock and ADC0
controls are internally routed to ADC1