The SAMD51 has two 12-bit ADCs onboard. They each have a set of double-buffered registers used to control the ADCs' configurations. A lot of the requirements for usage are already defined by Adafruit's wiring.c, though it's not too clear which ones.

General Notes

Conversion results are ready when INTFLAG.RESRDY is 1.

In free running mode, the sampling rate RS is calculated by:




Sample Distribution

The goal is to spread out the sampling such that X samples are evenly distributed within the time it takes to write X samples to the SD card.

Essentially, we're looking for spaced out datapoints across 1000us rather than a burst of data every 1000us.

Currently, I'm looking at using the following configurations:

Prescaler Selection

For adjusting sampling rate. Low priority. Adjusted via CTRLA register.

Single-Ended Mode Over Differential mode

Since we will always have positive values, we will use single ended mode. INPUTCTRL.DIFFMODE must be set to 1.

Sampling Time

How many ADC clock cycles (CLK_ADC) are used per conversion. When SAMPCTRL.SAMPLEN is set to 0, then only one clock cycle is used. Can be used to adjust sampling rate/accuracy(?).

Averaging Mode

For adjusting sampling rate and accuracy. It accumulates 2n samples and then bit-shifts down to 12 bits for the averaging property. AVGCTRL should be configured according to the following table:
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DMA Sequencing

The ADC can sequence multiple conversions. When using sequencing, the ADC's configuration registers can be updated by the DMA Controller.


In any of the accumulation/averaging modes, the next sequenced conversion starts when the averaged result is ready.


Free running mode cannot be used with DMA Sequencing.
If a conversion is triggered by event (EVCTRL.STARTEI is 1) then automatic start conversion is disabled.

Enabled by setting any field in DSEQCTRL to 1. When turned on, DSEQSTAT.BUSY is set to 1. By enabling a register via DSEQCTRL, the corresponding ADC register is updated automatically.

By default, a new conversion will start when a trigger is received. However, writing a 1 to DSEQCTRL.AUTOSTART will automatically start a new conversion when a DMA sequence completes.

The DMAC must be configured with the following:
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Host-Client/Master-Slave Operation

ADC0 can be set as a host to ADC1 such that ADC1 uses the same configuration as ADC0. This is done by by writing a 1 to ADC1.CTRLA.SLAVEEN. When enabled, GCLK_ADC0 clock and ADC0 controls are internally routed to ADC1.